Monday, March 2, 2015

Overwhelmed and Excited

I've been having a bit of an overwhelming experience all of a sudden. My class is working on an Ebook together about literature in the digital age. Specifically, using the Amazon, Goodreads, and Kindle platforms. I felt all was going well, and then today I found out that my chapters pretty much need to be done (or at least in rough draft form) in the next couple of weeks. Uhhh what? At that news my brain shut down, and all my ideas for my chapters scattered at the thought of actually being used.

I guess in my mind writing my chapters has been a far off experience. Something I could do later.
Yet here it is.

So today I took a nap, drank some hot chocolate, and decided to pull myself together and figure this thing out. And to figure it out, I delved more into the academic side of what I'm working on. The personal aspect of it is always the easiest, so why not start with the hardest part first?

So I'm working on two chapters, and I've actually chosen to use a different book for each. And doing research for them is quite a contrasting experience!

My first chapter I'm working on is about how to write a good review for each different platform, as well as the impact that these reviews have and how they work differently. And for this, I'm using the book "The Goose Girl" by Shannon Hale. I'm comparing the way there's different "languages" in the book (animal speaking, people speaking, element speaking) to the way different people use reviews, as well as the different "reviews" of her life that the main character receives when she's a princess as well as when she's under cover so to say. Now this was a bit more difficult research for me as this isn't a super well known book, or fairy tale that it's based upon. I was able to find a lot of information on the author herself (who's an amazing woman who you should definitely check out), but not much on the book itself or why it matters. Which to me, makes this sort of a fun project because I actually get to create something myself!

And then my other chapter I'm working on is finding a way to make our online presence of worth, as well as finding our place and becoming more comfortable in this strange world we're referring to as the digiliteracy world. And guess what? Surprise! I'm actually using a whole series to help me along in this topic, one that many people already feel at home in. And that's the "Harry Potter" series by J.K. Rowling. And doing research for this one was VASTLY different because Harry Potter is so well known that there's pretty much something out there comparing this series to almost anything. While this means it's very relevant for the point I'm trying to make, it also created a new level of anxiety because there's so much information I just don't even know where to start, or what is actually relevant to my cause, as well as the overall cause of our Ebook..

Both "The Goose Girl" and "Harry Potter" are pretty personal books for me that I grew up with, and thus at the age of 21 this also means that these books grew up while the internet has also been growing up. There's been a lot of growing up in the digital age, and the literary age, and I'm sure there's a lot more growing up to be. Which is why I'm actually getting pretty excited (although intimidated) about doing my portion for these things because I've grown up with all these changes, and I'm excited to see the way that what I know and the knowledge I've gained will affect the digiliterature world in the future.

It may be bold to say that my ideas will change the world, but hey, you never know.


  1. How are you feeling about using two books instead of just the one? I don't think there's a problem with it at all, and it could add some diversity because Harry Potter is so well known and The Goose Girl isn't. I think you'll come up with TONS of information to sort through, but that's a good thing, right? I like the ideas, and that they're both things that you have a deep connection to,

    1. When I first talked to Dr. Burton about using the 2 books, it sort of stressed me out and I started rethinking my decision definitely. But now that I've gotten into it, they both fit into their separate chapters better than I think just using the Goose Girl would have for me. And I think this will keep me from becoming redundant in my chapters with things that come up. They're both books that I have a really good background in as well, so I think that definitely helps and is helping the chapters to form better for me as well!

  2. I think it's great that you're using two books. I wish I was that adventurous. Haha. I like the ideas though and I think you'll do a fantastic job at using the books to make your points.
