Thursday, February 5, 2015

I hope no one says that about my writing...

In the eBook "Writing About Literature in the Digital Age" co-author Samuel McGrath focuses on three ways we experience literature: through consumption, connection, and creation. This "connection" experience is central. As he said:

"We benefit from people who are invested in our books and have spent time reading and thinking about them. The results aren't always a golden nugget of information, but they have often proved enlightening."

I looked into how "Heart of Darkness" was connecting people on Goodreads and I found that Samuel was right about the results of this connection not always being "golden nugget[s]." One example comes from the latest review of the book. 

"It was like raking my fingernails across a chalkboard while breathing in a pail of flaming cat hair and drinking spoiled milk."

Actually, as I think about it more, that is a golden nugget. See, even though I don't agree with it, it was a chance for me to make some sort of a connection with another human being. That is valuable! This book on this social media platform just linked me with someone else in a way that would not have been possible with any other medium. That is incredible! Think of the value that comes when we connect with someone we agree with on these reviews. For me this happened as a read the review of a man that used Cliff Notes to help him with "Heart of Darkness." I had such a similar experience as I looked for guidance in navigating Conrad's prose. Bing, connection! 

Books and the reviews of them on sites such as Goodreads helps us to think critically about our reading experience through connection with others. We have to weigh other's opinions and we have to analyze our own. This truly enhances our experience with literature. 


  1. Ha! I saw that review and it cracked me up. People are definitely more apt to tell ya what they really think over the internet!

  2. Right? I thought that was so hilarious.

  3. I think my favorite part of seeing what other people think is when they disagree with my opinion, it makes me think a little more and sometimes evaluate what I'm reading a bit more harshly. Ha whether that's a good or bad thing I'm still unsure, but it's interesting to see!
