Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Peer Reviewed and Social Sources

On Monday, the class talked about various research methods that go outside of the traditional sources that we are used to.

In my searches for sources, I have come across some interesting places to look. One of the most interesting is an "index of indexes." Essentially, journals and other sources for more academic works are stored in various indexes. In an index of indexes, you can find out what indexes a certain journal is kept in, and then go on to find similar journals that might contain something you're looking for. Very cool stuff.

Mosy recently, I have taken to speaking with other readers of both Slaughterhouse Five and Watchmen on forums and facebook groups, and have been combing through Goodreads reviews for evidence of socialization through these books and interaction in opinions. Goodreads also serves to give me insights into popular opinion of those books.

My biggest concern is finding that delicate balance between credible sources and social sources. What do you all think is the sweet spot for Peer Reviewed sources vs Social sources?

1 comment:

  1. I don't think there is necessarily a sweet spot, but more of a combination of both sources. I think by balancing out both types of sources, we will cover all the necessary bases!
